Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I've never been much of a risk taker - just ask my mom.  I always followed all the rules, colored inside all the lines, and kept a low profile.  I never danced in public because I was afraid of what other people would say.  I kept quiet in class because I didn't want to be noticed.  And for the most part, it has worked for me.  I did well in school, graduated from college, and got a good job.  But it has also held me back.  There are things that I think about that I wish I would have done but was too afraid.

I've come more out of my shell as I've gotten older, and I think that is pretty normal.  Heck, I'll even start dancing in public while I'm still (mostly) sober.  I've started asking myself, if I do this, what is the worst that could happen?  Someone is going to think I am a bad dancer?  Big deal - I probably am!  But why should that mean I have to sit on the sidelines?  But even in my thirties, this is difficult.

So when I started this blog, I did it quietly.  I wrote about 4 posts before I even told a soul I had done it.  And then I shared it with 2 friends I trusted completely.  And then my husband.  And that was it.   But I knew I was doing this for a reason...that my passion in life was not the paper pushing job I do 40 hours a week, but health and fitness.  That if I could go back and do it all over, I would take a different road.  I can't do that, and I can't quit the day job, but I decided I could still follow my heart.  And it came to a point where I knew that if I was going to do that, then I would have to put myself out there.  To take a risk.  So I did....I created a facebook page and asked people to like it.  It was really scary, but I asked myself again...what is the worst that could happen?   People won't like it?  Some may say it is dumb? Or wonder what the hell is she doing?  And again the answer is, yes, perhaps. But big deal!

If you're like me, and afraid to try new things or put yourself in a place where you're feeling vulnerable, look at the people around you who have already figured it out.  When I think about the people I know like that, I see happy, confident, carefree people.  They generally don't care what other people might think and will go out there and make things happen.  Sometimes you can get 'er done by cruising along quietly under the radar, but sometimes you've gotta take a big leap of faith and try things a new way.  That's what I'm doing; I'm not entirely sure where I am gonna land yet, but at least I won't regret always watching from the shore.

Sarah :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm 52 and just now trying to go beyond... My mantra is to push myself beyond my comfort zone. I can relate to your words here Sarah. Keep it up. Seeing you workout at 5:30 am is quiet inspiration for many of us! :)
