Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Two steps forward....

So I've finally started to see that there actually may be no end to the journey.  I take care of my body physically, I try to eat well so that is runs properly, I've started to accept my body the way that it is....but I certainly don't have it all figured out.  There are many sayings that try to teach us this: Life if a journey, Learn something new every day, Life's a dance you learn as you go.  Sorry, that last one is more of a country song than a saying, but you get the idea.  But even so, I think we try to "get it" it with the goal in mind that at some point, we will come to the end of the road and have it all down pat.

And while it may seem kinda obvious, it took me until now to realize that just isn't so.  I may always struggle with my self image.  There may be days that I still look in the mirror and call myself an ugly name.  Or obsess about what that scale might say.  Or wonder what would happen if I went a really strict diet...just for a little while.  But as long as I keep the path in sight, and remember that I am moving forward on it, then hopefully those issues will be just bumps in the road.

One of my favorite sayings is, "Two steps forward and one step back will still keeping you moving in the right direction."  It has really helped me along the way when I have "messed up" or had setbacks.  I think this  idea fits in really well with the words of Winston Churchill.  If you think of life as a journey, that you are on a path that is constantly improving and ascending, then yes, you may stumble along the way.  You may sometimes move backwards.  But as long as you take a couple extra steps forward and then fall back just a little, you're still heading in the right direction.

The first tattoo that I got is of a compass.  The reason I chose it was to remind myself to always keep moving forward.  When I got it, I think I was at the beginning of the realization.  It has been a couple of years since I got it, and sometimes I feel like I haven't come very far since then.  But I certainly have moved in the right direction.

So let's keep moving forward.  It's ok to look back and see how far you've come.  I think it is really important to remember what you had to go through to get to where you are today.  But then turn it back around and keep right on going.

Sarah :)

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