Sunday, April 22, 2012

To run...

It is a beautiful day outside and I have been cleaning all morning.  I took a rest day yesterday, and I know I want to get a run in today.  But I am struggling.  I know the first step is the hardest, and I am really fighting it for some reason.  I would normally go downstairs and run on my treadmill, but it is too gorgeous outside to slog away in my basement.  I also have a half marathon coming up in less than a month, so I really should go for a nice long run outside.  I've been doing a lot of strength training recently, but not as much running.  So I was sitting here poking around on Facebook and Pinterest, and I came across this pic....To run or not to run.  It was just the motivation I needed to get going.  So I am heading excuse not to.  I've already wasted too much time writing this already....catch ya later.

Sarah :)

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