Friday, May 18, 2012

Problem Solving 101


There are a lot of problem solving techniques out there.  I've tried a few that haven't worked very well...sugary or carb loaded binges come to mind.  And sometimes, despite my best efforts, I still eat for emotional reasons. But I've discovered another problem solving technique....exercise.  You may have heard things like, "You're only one workout away from a good mood" or "Running is cheaper than therapy,"  so it might sound a bit cliche.  But I've found that it really does work.  Something happens to your mind while you are working your body.  Whether it is running or lifting, I find that a good workout can help me gain clarity on a problem that may have seemed a lot more complicated than it really was.   I've also found that if I go into a workout with a particularly worried mind, I tend to work harder.  I've gotten some of my toughest runs done when I'm especially angry about something!  

So I'm gonna keep it short and sweet today and leave you with one suggestion...the next time you're faced with a problem and you can't quite figure out what to do, hit the gym.  Or take a walk.  Go for a run.  Work up a sweat.  If you're anything like me, not only will you feel a lot better that you didn't just eat your problems worse, you may actually find a solution you hadn't thought of before.  

Sarah :) 

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