Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kickin' Your Own Butt....It Does a Body Good

One of the nice things about taking a group exercise class or having a personal trainer is that you have someone there to push you.  So even if you don't want to go any longer or any harder, you do.  On the flip side, working out alone can make it a lot easier to slack off.  Nobody will know if you cut your workout short, do less reps, or choose a lighter weight because it is easier.   

When you find yourself working out alone and leaning toward slacking off, you have a choice.  Your inner voice can take on one of two roles.  Sure, it can tell you it's OK to take it a little easier, to slow down, to stop early. can become the voice of that trainer or workout buddy that says, "Keep going!  Work harder!  It is so worth it!"   

I've had this experience a couple of times in the last week.  Last Sunday I was in the middle of a leg workout that really started to kick my ass.  I found myself questioning whether or not I really wanted to finish.  I did - and it felt great.  I have had this happen to me in the past and chosen then easier route, and I can tell you that making the choice to finish with as much intensity as possible will always feel better.  Even if you're the only person who know what you just accomplished, it doesn't matter.  

There are a few things you can do to set yourself up for success before you even start to workout.  I am a huge fan of planning my workouts in advance.  This does a couple of things.  First, you are making yourself accountable to yourself right from the jump.  You know you have a workout scheduled, so get to it!  Second, it is a lot easier to get a tough workout in if you have a plan from the start.  If you wanna work your legs, you can wander into the gym and go from here to there and make it up as you go. can have a workout already written down. Then you know exactly what you need to do.  That also makes it a lot harder to quit before you're done.  When I had this happen to me last week, if I had nothing written down, I could have just "ended" my workout whenever I wanted.  But I had a workout on paper, and I looked at the page and how it was half finished, and there was no way I was gonna just stop before I was done. 

When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, a personal trainer can be a great tool...don't get me wrong!  But another huge factor in your success is finding that inner drive that craves a butt kicking workout and thrives on the feeling of accomplishment when you're finished.  The best trainer in the world cannot do that for you, and they cannot be at every workout you do.  You gotta find it for yourself.    And when you do, it is an awesome feeling.

Sarah :) 

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