Thursday, March 8, 2012

Balancing Act

I am really struggling with getting out of bed to workout in the morning.  I do really love an early morning workout.  It took a long time for me to appreciate getting up by 5:00 am and getting my workout done.  For awhile, I was on top of it.  Everyday during the week I had my workout in before going to work.  It really does set you up for a good day.  I feel energized, focused, and I don't have to try and find time for exercise after work, when regular life tends to take priority. Then I had some changes in my life...divorce, moving, new love, new family....and working out took a backseat all together for awhile.  I'm back to it now, and I feel good. But I am struggling to get back my morning routine.

I realized this morning why the snooze is so attractive.  My husband goes to work a lot earlier than I do, so I have the house to myself and nobody cares if the snooze is going off every 9 minutes for an hour and half.  And when I climb back into that comfy, cozy bed, all I can think is, "This is so amazing....only 9 more minutes!"  And pretty soon it has been an hour.  That's never been the case before.  There was someone else trying to sleep past 5:00 who would get very grumpy if I let the snooze go past 2 times.  So I got up.  I need to figure out how to motivate myself to turn off the alarm and "just do it", as they say over at Nike.

I think part of it might be my workout schedule.  I need to reassess what I'm trying to do.  I am training for a half marathon, but I don't want to give up strength training either.  I may have put a little too much on my plate, and the thought of getting in my running AND my lifting might be a little too much.  And by Thursday, my legs are feeling a little burned out, so I think, "Oh, I better rest them this morning."  And although listening to your body and giving it rest when it needs it is a good thing, I know that mentally I'm using it as an excuse not to get out of that comfy bed.  Maybe I should I just get a crummy mattress???

So sometimes we need to be honest with ourselves and sort out the physical needs of our bodies and the mental excuses we use to be a little lazy.  Part of that for me is being honest with what I should expect out of my training schedule and backing off if I need to, and the other part is realizing that I can do more than that little voice in my head says, and stepping it up when I need to.  It really is all about balance.  And if you think about what that word really means, that can be a tricky thing.

Happy Thursday
Sarah :)

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