Thursday, May 31, 2012

I had a little inspiration from Pink in my iPod this morning.  I've talked before about that nasty little voice in your head that tells you that you're not good enough, you're too fat, ugly, a failure, etc., and about tuning into that and telling it to SHUT UP!  And that is all well and good, but once you've done that, then there is room for the voice that is kinder and gentler to you...the one we should be listening more too but that nasty one is sometimes so freakin' loud you can't hear it.  So start listening...and let that supportive, kind, gentle voice that is inside of you to get a little more say.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Two steps forward....

So I've finally started to see that there actually may be no end to the journey.  I take care of my body physically, I try to eat well so that is runs properly, I've started to accept my body the way that it is....but I certainly don't have it all figured out.  There are many sayings that try to teach us this: Life if a journey, Learn something new every day, Life's a dance you learn as you go.  Sorry, that last one is more of a country song than a saying, but you get the idea.  But even so, I think we try to "get it" it with the goal in mind that at some point, we will come to the end of the road and have it all down pat.

And while it may seem kinda obvious, it took me until now to realize that just isn't so.  I may always struggle with my self image.  There may be days that I still look in the mirror and call myself an ugly name.  Or obsess about what that scale might say.  Or wonder what would happen if I went a really strict diet...just for a little while.  But as long as I keep the path in sight, and remember that I am moving forward on it, then hopefully those issues will be just bumps in the road.

One of my favorite sayings is, "Two steps forward and one step back will still keeping you moving in the right direction."  It has really helped me along the way when I have "messed up" or had setbacks.  I think this  idea fits in really well with the words of Winston Churchill.  If you think of life as a journey, that you are on a path that is constantly improving and ascending, then yes, you may stumble along the way.  You may sometimes move backwards.  But as long as you take a couple extra steps forward and then fall back just a little, you're still heading in the right direction.

The first tattoo that I got is of a compass.  The reason I chose it was to remind myself to always keep moving forward.  When I got it, I think I was at the beginning of the realization.  It has been a couple of years since I got it, and sometimes I feel like I haven't come very far since then.  But I certainly have moved in the right direction.

So let's keep moving forward.  It's ok to look back and see how far you've come.  I think it is really important to remember what you had to go through to get to where you are today.  But then turn it back around and keep right on going.

Sarah :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Problem Solving 101


There are a lot of problem solving techniques out there.  I've tried a few that haven't worked very well...sugary or carb loaded binges come to mind.  And sometimes, despite my best efforts, I still eat for emotional reasons. But I've discovered another problem solving technique....exercise.  You may have heard things like, "You're only one workout away from a good mood" or "Running is cheaper than therapy,"  so it might sound a bit cliche.  But I've found that it really does work.  Something happens to your mind while you are working your body.  Whether it is running or lifting, I find that a good workout can help me gain clarity on a problem that may have seemed a lot more complicated than it really was.   I've also found that if I go into a workout with a particularly worried mind, I tend to work harder.  I've gotten some of my toughest runs done when I'm especially angry about something!  

So I'm gonna keep it short and sweet today and leave you with one suggestion...the next time you're faced with a problem and you can't quite figure out what to do, hit the gym.  Or take a walk.  Go for a run.  Work up a sweat.  If you're anything like me, not only will you feel a lot better that you didn't just eat your problems worse, you may actually find a solution you hadn't thought of before.  

Sarah :) 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I've never been much of a risk taker - just ask my mom.  I always followed all the rules, colored inside all the lines, and kept a low profile.  I never danced in public because I was afraid of what other people would say.  I kept quiet in class because I didn't want to be noticed.  And for the most part, it has worked for me.  I did well in school, graduated from college, and got a good job.  But it has also held me back.  There are things that I think about that I wish I would have done but was too afraid.

I've come more out of my shell as I've gotten older, and I think that is pretty normal.  Heck, I'll even start dancing in public while I'm still (mostly) sober.  I've started asking myself, if I do this, what is the worst that could happen?  Someone is going to think I am a bad dancer?  Big deal - I probably am!  But why should that mean I have to sit on the sidelines?  But even in my thirties, this is difficult.

So when I started this blog, I did it quietly.  I wrote about 4 posts before I even told a soul I had done it.  And then I shared it with 2 friends I trusted completely.  And then my husband.  And that was it.   But I knew I was doing this for a reason...that my passion in life was not the paper pushing job I do 40 hours a week, but health and fitness.  That if I could go back and do it all over, I would take a different road.  I can't do that, and I can't quit the day job, but I decided I could still follow my heart.  And it came to a point where I knew that if I was going to do that, then I would have to put myself out there.  To take a risk.  So I did....I created a facebook page and asked people to like it.  It was really scary, but I asked myself again...what is the worst that could happen?   People won't like it?  Some may say it is dumb? Or wonder what the hell is she doing?  And again the answer is, yes, perhaps. But big deal!

If you're like me, and afraid to try new things or put yourself in a place where you're feeling vulnerable, look at the people around you who have already figured it out.  When I think about the people I know like that, I see happy, confident, carefree people.  They generally don't care what other people might think and will go out there and make things happen.  Sometimes you can get 'er done by cruising along quietly under the radar, but sometimes you've gotta take a big leap of faith and try things a new way.  That's what I'm doing; I'm not entirely sure where I am gonna land yet, but at least I won't regret always watching from the shore.

Sarah :)