Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Chocolate Protein Pancake - Yum!

This is the breakfast I am currently addicted to....a chocolate protein pancake.  Combine 5 egg whites, 1/2 cup oats, and 1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder.  Cook up like a pancake.  I like to top mine with 1 Tbsp. natural peanut butter and a smidgen of honey.  Today, as a special treat, I added a few banana slices as well.  Super good and full of protein, but generally low in sugar.  This makes a really good sized pancake, so it only takes one to fill me up for quite awhile.

Sarah :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So I am starting a blog...

So I am starting a blog....will anyone really care to read it?  Maybe not.  Do I think that I am so interesting that people will really want to read it?  Not really.  But I do know that I have struggled with the restrictive cycle of dieting for so long, and I have never found really good resources to help me deal with it.  I have read books and tried therapy, but so far to no avail.  I fall into a very large group of people, mostly women, who are disordered eaters.  We don't have a specified eating disorder like anorexia or bulemia, but still something is off. And I know that not only do I want to free myself of this, I want to help others do the same.  Through connecting with others who share the same struggles, perhaps we can overcome it together.  I have recently started taking a class called "Am I Hungry?"  based on the book by Michelle May, MD.  I have found this to be helping me head in the right direction, so I may reference it here.

This is also a blog about fitness...something else I am very passionate about.  But the focus is exercise as a reward and not a punishment.  Strong is sexy....super skinny is not!  The ability to run up a flight of stairs without losing your breath or knock out more push ups than your husband is a very cool thing.  Pounding away on the treadmill for an extra hour because you ate a donut is not.

And so, I am starting a blog.  I am not an expert and I am not yet "cured".  But I am a work in progress.  If nobody ever reads this, then it should serve as good therapy for me.  If one person does and finds it helpful, then that is even better.

Happy Tuesday
Sarah :)